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ACT Student Entrepreneurship Competition

learn how to build a high-growth startup

  • 📅 Date: JavaScript Disabled

  • 👥 Open To: University Students

  • 💻 Format: Hybrid

  • 🌏 Region: Canberra, ACT

  • 💵 Cost: Free

  • 💰 Prize: $10,000+

The upcoming Entrepreneurship Competition offers students and staff from the Australian National University, University of Canberra, University of New South Wales Canberra, CSIRO, Academy of Interactive Entertainment, and Canberra Institute of Technology an exciting opportunity to develop and pitch high-growth scalable business concepts. Register your team of 2 to 5 members and compete for prizes from a pool of $10,000 in cash and in-kind support to elevate your project.

This intensive two-week competition will guide you through building a startup from ideation to pitching. Participants will learn essential skills such as team building, idea generation, prototyping, business model development, market validation, and crafting a compelling pitch. The process includes interactive workshops, access to mentors, and the chance to work with potential customers to refine your ideas.

Throughout the program, you’ll have the support of innovation and business mentors. After the competition, winners will receive additional support from the Canberra Innovation Network (CBRIN) to help take their projects to the next level. The event culminates with a virtual pitch to judges, where the top 10 teams will be selected based on their business concepts and presentations.